JOIn us friday nights @ 7:00PM

Eastside Youth is a group of young people ages 12 to 18 who are in love with Jesus and want to see our communities share in that love. We are discipleship focused and working toward seeing genuine growth in relationship and character. Our goal is to build up a generation of believers who are on fire for God and want to see real change in their world. We are always striving to be missional, intentional, and spirit-led. 

We have services every Friday night. Our doors open at 7:00pm and close at 7:30pm. Our night ends at 10pm. Our nights will be filled devotionals and activities both indoor and out as well as onsite and offsite. Please refer to our calendar to know ahead of time what we have going on or to our instagram page:

    jr. high sundays

    Parents we are starting a new season of Youth Ministries at Eastside! Sunday after worship your teens are invited to experience church in a new way. Jr. High Sundays meets after worship on Sundays 10:30AM in the youth room for a service just for Grades 6-10. It's a BIG leap from Eastside Kids church to our big service and we want to give them a good head start by discovering their faith and what it means to be a Christian with their very on friends and age group.

    There's talk and teach with great ECC youth leaders as well as games and opportunities for our teens to volunteer and help out the rest of their church community at Jr. High Sundays.

    More information? Email us HERE!